Mad Libs Christmas Edition

Tonight, I couldn't remember all the words to the famous Christmas poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas . I tried to recite the thing from memory and failed. When I looked for help from my husband, his answers cracked me up--so far were they from either the truth or, in some…

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The Bloody Rock: What it means to protect Yosemite

I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal by Tom McClintock titled Yosemite National Park: Closed for Preservation , a rant instigated by the following legal action against the National Park Service: Environmentalist groups such as Friends of Yosemite Valley and Mariposans for the Environment and Responsible Government challenged…

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The Ease of Human Failure

It's so easy. Too easy. A man sins, breaks his vows, lies, gets caught, denies it all, gets confronted, confesses, apologizes, begs for forgiveness... and we judge him. Disgusting. Unworthy of the public trust. And his wife holds his hand. Forgives. Steps with him back out of the spotlight. Helps…

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