Brushing fingers on the rough sidewalk I find peace in the pattern of concrete, Absolutism and Manifest Destiny Stretching out from my feet to every compass point. But on my knees, sleeves rolled up, And rooting at the cracks in the pavement I find weedy greens and pill bugs, Black…
Are walruses native to the Arctic?
It really is a shame what people are putting on TV these days. Tonight, fatigued, out for a special evening (feeding the in-laws' cats whilst the folks are out of town), I plopped down on the couch to enjoy some basic cable. Between the last five minutes of American Idol…
Extraordinary Sunday
On an ordinary Sunday Jonathan and I would have stayed in bed longer than we should, waiting until the absolute last second before jumping into and out of outrageously quick showers. On an ordinary Sunday Jon would have pushed my buttons by insisting that we stop at Starbucks and brave…
... and pass the Kumquatini, please.
Yesterday some friends cut me a big break. They declared it Audrey Day, and we did things I wanted to do. We went to Casa Orozco, which is probably my favorite restaurant in Livermore. And then we Geocached in downtown Pleasanton, walking up and down Main Street enjoying the beautiful…
Year of the Geocache
A new hobby as of last December... Keep your eye on the number in the right column, baby! It's goin' up all the time. .Monkey & Wife…
Am I tired or sad?
It could be that the start of a new year isn't relaxing for anyone, or that my sporadic urges to be organized throw off any kind of momentum, but I'm tired. Fatigue seems to be born in my bones each morning. I slap the snooze button like I've always done,…
Camp Castle
This weekend I was given the opportunity to wear my favorite new holiday skirt twice. That's right. Two separate holiday dinners. Awesome food for free, twice! But the high point of my weekend was the way Jonathan and I spent our Sunday afternoon. Weeks ago Jon was reminiscing about the…
The Gift of the Magi
Everyone has her own holiday traditions. Be it mistletoe or eggnog or caroling between houses dripping with Christmas lights, each of us has our favorite. And I'm no exception. Halloween may fall in my favorite month of the year, and it may mean that I can dress up as a…