A Look Inside The Oslo Botanical Garden (Winter)

Unwittingly, Jonathan and I stumbled across the perfect reprieve from Oslo's cold, dark winter last weekend. We took the T-Bane (Metro) east from the city center to the Toyen station. There we visited The Munch Museum first , a real treat! Lunched there at the cafĂ©. Then we decided to talk…

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Beware of Christians (A Review)

In this 2011 documentary, four American Christian dudes travel all over Europe asking (pretty self-indulgent) questions about (high school level) theology and what it means to really (no, really dude) follow Jesus. Now, these are four quintessential American-Christian-college guys. I feel like I know them, like I've talked to all…

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Travel Dreams for 2013

Living so far north, we feel the darkness and cold a little deeper and a little longer than most. I don't have much room to complain, seeing as I live in Oslo, possibly the mildest Scandinavian city, weather-wise. But somehow I can't help it. Once the holidays are done, once…

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Our Christmas Card ~ 2012

Sleighbells ring. Are you listening? No? Perhaps only I can hear them. I do live in Norway, so, sleighbells could mean it's Christmas time, or it could mean that the roads are too icy for cars, and the locals have switched over to their Sami-driven teams of reindeer in order…

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