The Entertainer

When nothing makes any sense at all, people go gray and hard like stone, but their hearts keep right on pounding. Isn't it interesting that all of the words we use to decribe the action of the heart, our life organ, are violent words? Pounding. Beating. Thumping. The pounding heart…

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For the last couple of weeks Jon and I have been working our way through the first season of the show Alias, starring Jennifer Garner. I love it. When it debuted a few years ago I wasn't interested. Not only did I already devote my few hours of television to…

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Dr. Cassal

My Shakespeare professor has passed away. Yes, the same man with whom I was so unbelievably upset after my final on Dec. 17. It seems that less than a week after that, just before Christmas, Dr. Steve Cassal of UC Davis suffered a major heart attack. And just like that…

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Happy Birthday, Cindy.

Yesterday we had our little party (and the cake turned out fine). We ate pizza, played games, learned that husbands and wives have a certain advantage when playing Apples to Apples, and opened presents. Yaya Christmas + Cindy's 22nd birthday = Lots of fun. While I'm preparing myself to end this all-too-short…

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Resolved: A Cake Story

My frosting expired a year ago today. Yes, I know that today was, technically, the birthday of 2006... but the bottom line is that, had Jon not noticed the little expiration notice on the bottom of the frosting container, someone could have died! Or, at least become very, very ill.…

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December Blog Entry Part II

After three rowdy games of Taboo with the folks and Ted and Heather (whom I am hereafter going to refer to as "Teather"... because it's cute and oh-so-trendy... also, Jon's idea... and better than calling them "Hed"...), I am sleepy but happy. I love that Jon enjoys playing games with…

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December Blog Entry Part I

And WHOOSH! Santa flashed by, like a shooting star, and with him was carried all the food and the music and the wrapping paper that I associate with my second favorite holiday. (Sometime I'll rank the holidays for you...) Here I am, early in the morning on the Tuesday after…

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Catching up with Christmas

I haven't written in a really long time. And it's not entirely because I'm so busy with the end of the quarter and work and everything else... I also can't think of anything else interesting to say. In the last three weeks I've written three papers... and by Friday I…

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