Crocodile Love

For weeks during my junior year of high school, my friend Jennie and I would hang out during the final period of the day in an empty classroom and watch movies while waiting for her brother to drive us home. We'd laugh continuously at 'Liar, Liar' and daydream about Wesley…

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Camp Syrup* is the Best

October began for me in the mountains. I woke up to the sounds of friends in the kitchen, friends working, friends packing up to return home. Today was the final day of the annual Tri-Cabin trip we've been attending for several years now. And while we may have eaten wonderful…

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Ducks In A Row

September really got away from me. I was sick this week, very sick. And my husband was in Washington D.C., and there wasn't anyone to hold my hand. Of course, I'm better now. I can stand upright, eat regular meals, sleep through the night. And thank goodness, because Jon…

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Missing my Crocodile Hunter

Today we mourn the loss of a great adventurer, a life-enthusiast, a loving husband and father of two. Steve Irwin, 44, suffered a fatal sting ray wound while diving off of the Australian coast. It is believed he died instantly; the dart pierced his heart. I had a major, major…

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