Writing Exercise: 26 Sentences

One evening this summer, I led my writers' group through several back-to-back short exercises. This was easily the favorite of the night: Create a story that is 26 sentences long. Each sentence must begin with the next letter in the alphabet. For example, the first sentence should begin with A,…

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The Last Leaf

Someone must be last. That's the rule. And in my kingdom, this works out fine, because the last shall be first. Yet, this little leaf, now brown and curled around the edges, dampens even my spirits today. Perhaps it is the way it clings so hopefully to the branch. Well,…

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An Unnamed Poem

_____________ I am afraid to name her. What if I call it wrong? If my moniker choice resists story, history, or song? Details of breeding and face, habits, regrets, disgrace... These I'll slap on her like travel stickers on a suitcase, but a name? So much weight. So I wait. One…

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