Four and a half days. That was all. And some of that time must be spent sleeping. Sleeping instead of laughing, embracing, catching-up. Three times Audrey counted it. Four and a half days. And tomorrow her guests would arrive. I'm being dramatic, and I'm cheating a little, too. There's nothing…
All posts tagged Oslo
A Look Inside North of the Sun, South of the Moon
Photo: Jonathan and I had our best California buds in town with us this week, so they got to attend the launch party on Friday. A huge treat for me! See more photos from the party at the end of this post. North of the Sun, South of the Moon:…
The Common Lilac
Oslo waxed lilac overnight. Fat and elegantly bunched, they waited until we were asleep to arrive, to place themselves in the trees and bloom. Where one week ago there were only the wet, black branches and sharply-new green leaves of a tardy spring, suddenly blossoms appeared. Purple and white. Immaculate…
I'm on Amazon!
Kindle me! The digital edition of North of the Sun, South of the Moon: New Voices from Norway is available for download. Now, I assure you that you'd be hard pressed to find someone who better appreciates small, independent booksellers than me. I can spend hours perusing, reading, paging, running…
Publication News: North of the Sun, South of the Moon
Holland House and The Oslo International Writers' Group are proud to present the group's first anthology, North of the Sun, South of the Moon: New Voices from Norway . My nonfiction essay, Orientation, will appear alongside the fiction, nonfiction, and poetry of seven of my talented fellow OIWG members: Zoe Harris…
Our Third Dugnad
Each spring, the tenants in our apartment building in Oslo come together for an afternoon of unpaid, voluntary, organized community work. This is a dugnad , a Norwegian tradition in which a bunch of people, in this case neighbors, join forces to spruce up their public, shared spaces. In my opinion,…
A Look Inside Oslo's RĂ„dhuset (City Hall)
On Sunday, City of Oslo, VisitOSLO , and Ruter hosted Turist i Egen By , an annual event which, in English, translates to Tourist in Your Own City . Free Oslo Passes for everyone! I'm a huge fan of the Oslo Pass, and I always recommend it to people visiting for more than…
A Guide to Oslo - Restaurants
Last year, Canadian Travel Website Cheapflights commissioned me to write an Insider's Guide to Oslo for them. I've found my calling. Researching restaurants (eating out) and researching bars (drinking beer) and researching museums was a good gig. Along the way, I wrote a little more than necessary for their purposes.…