Whether or not one believes in Heaven, or in God, or in god, there is simply no arguing that life for a single being on this earth comes once, and then only briefly. At the end of a person's life, his heart stops beating and his eyes fade. His family…
It is snowing! In Livermore! Jon and I had just finished watching The March of the Penguins (which is wonderful and real... and made me cry) when we glanced out the window and saw the big, fluffy snowflakes floating down through the darkness. Of course we immediately grabbed the nearest…
Home Stretch
Today, just today, only today, I realized that the end is in sight. The end of my prestigious career as a college student is just around the corner, smack in the center of June. There is a definite day (June 17) and a definite time (2:00pm). On that day…
Rarely does one have the chance to plunder In this modern world of rulers and laws. Nor can one oft sail endlessly under the black pirate flag with her favorite outlaws! Sometimes a girl simply must get away. Sometimes she hides from her work and her school. Donning hat, grabbing…
Nothing Beats Netflix
There are many pros to being an avid participant in the Netflix system. Oh, the convenience! This weekend Jon and I watched Top Gun, Born Yesterday and The Curse of the Jade Scorpion. All excellent movies! On DVD. And the best part is that, had we not watched them this…
Luck, and much labor.
Anxiety is a tricky business. So much is affected by the smallest choice. And large choices loom ominously around life's every bend. For someone like me, that anxiety rears it's ugliest head every time a paper is due at school. Tuesday, for example, is the deadline for the second paper…
And then there's my love poem...
I started to think about love poetry. And then I started to think about how long it had been since I'd really written a poem. And then I was depressed because it's sad that I don't take the time to be poetic. So, to jump start myself I wrote a…
A Wise Man's Love Poem
Last year, a man published a book that most of us never heard about: The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden . Stanley Kunitz was 100 years old at publication. Throughout, the book is interspersed with his wisdom and insight about poetry, both writing it and…