I know I haven't posted a thing on here in ages, and I would love to stop and make excuses for myself... but it's truly not worth it. Even now I'm scouring the internet for quotes and pictures to use in my final project, 30% of my poetry grade. And…
I am sitting in the dark, on the floor of my bedroom. My back is to the footboard of our bed. This is a peaceful night, though it has not been the most peaceful day. Rain came and brought with it the gloom I've been luxuriously without for weeks. We…
Fun and Legendary
"My stepdad's gonna kill me! It was his ball." "So?" "So, some lady signed it." "Okay, Smalls, this is important. What was her name?" "I dunno. Ruth. Baby Ruth." "Babe Ruth?! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" In 1993, Benny "the Jet" Rodriguez got a lesson from his idol. Heroes get remembered, but legends never…
Night Church
Night pours down dripping dark off the steeple and running shadowy rivulets in the rain gutters on the sloped roof. But a deep river of brightness floods the walk, and shadowy beings hurry in, tripping to the sound of music, toward hope, and always two by two. Inside it is…
Happy Anniversary, Girl Behind the Red Door!
A whole year has passed since I first begin my blog. It's amazing how much one little person has to say, huh? I must admit, I thought April would be a good blog month. But things get massively in the way. I even missed posting a Happy Birthday, Jon entry,…
I wish, I wish, I wish I had the time to write something that I haven't been assigned. But apparently this quarter is all about the writing. I play volleyball and I write. I write, and then I play some volleyball. Okay, so it doesn't sound hard. And I shouldn't…
Purple Tree - A Short Story (unfinished)
I was listening to my neighbors fighting when I first began to believe I could fly. Beyond the picture window in my parents' bedroom was a tree that looked purple at night. On lonely evenings, I'd tuck myself up onto the window seat, hugging my knees like they were my…
The Facts of Fiction
I received a check-plus on my first fiction writing assigment (the equivolent of an A). He liked the pure voice, the original introduction of the characters, the catchy phrases I invented, the fact that I made up a word and wasn't afraid to toss it into the soup of my…