
It's amazing what I cannot think of when my head is filled with the noise of the modern world. Names and places and dates and descriptions which would come so easily to me on an ordinary day, cannot be coaxed or conjured between sirens and loud voices... they cower in…

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Summertime at The Stanford

It's that time again to shed my shoes and lounge in the grass, languishing in the evening heat and loving Summer. It is a time of festival and freedom and fireworks and friendship. This weekend, the Livermore Rodeo is in town (indeed, the fastest rodeo on earth!). The Alameda County…

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My finger traces a mystified trail From his nose across his cheek, Round the curve of cartilage at the base of his ear, Down alongside the thick artery in his neck, To the cavern of his clavicle, The bridge of his sternum. In our intimacy I realize I don't know…

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Bei Mir Bist Du Schön

I'm thirsty for creation. Sit in the dark. Wait until the house is silent and then, with all the shades down and the door double-bolted, back into a corner and wait for your Imagination to rise from the shadows. If I follow my own direction, I find Her there, blossoming…

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