"You know, that's one of the craziest, hardest parts about being a mom," I said. "We make these sweet, beautiful, helpless, perfect little people. And then, almost immediately, we start wanting two things at once. Two things that can't possibly both happen.…
All posts tagged Parenting

Somehow she's four years old. She wants her hair long and curly. She prefers dresses to anything else. She likes to sniff my neck and say, "Mom, you smell like roses!" Even when that can't be true. Because we're both sweaty and covered in chalk from the climbing…
A Suspecting Glance
The casserole dish in my hand felt suddenly heavy. In front of me were three long tables full of food: fried rice, potato cakes, shrimp rolls, toasted baguettes, quiches and hummus with vegetables. All homemade. All basically healthy and hearty. And here I was with a casserole dish of chocolate…
Camping again: Baby on board - Part II (Destination & Gear)
Having done all the plausibly necessary prep , Jonathan and I set out for our first backpacking/camping trip with our 15-month-old daughter on a sunny Saturday in July. Our destination was a little lake called Skjennungen , approximately 5km from Frognerseteren (depending on the trail you choose), at the end of…
Camping again: Baby on board - Part I (Prep)
We're the Camps. We camp. It's something we've done together since the beginning. Jonathan and I have pitched two-person tents in Yosemite and Grand Teton and Joshua Tree, as well as myriad other campgrounds in the eastern Sierra. When we moved to Norway, we brought all our camping gear along…
No single thought is more important than any other, at least at the outset. The trees remain bare all over the city. From my chair on the third floor of the main library I can see across the city to the hills on the opposite side of the fjord, and…
Cancer stole a friend yesterday. She was a bright light; a testament to resilience and strength; a writer; a ballerina; a lawyer; an optimist; a traveler; a champion. But most of all, she was a mom. She LOVED being a mom. I was four months pregnant when we met at…
Epiphany, Joyce, and The Blue Horse
It takes guts to say, I am an artist. I read to my daughter: I am an artist and I paint a blue horse and... a red crocodile and... a yellow cow and... a pink rabbit... Jonathan juggles to distract her while I clip her nails. How did they get…