
One mile, a last hazy stretch of dark road, ominous hedges. The last mile. All around me are dark things, a circle of black-clad men and the scent of gunpowder. They see me through the fog, and to them I am a gray outline, a pencil sketch. From afar, they…

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Happy Birthday, Me!

Today I wore a brand new blue shirt to work. It was a present from Jon. And while I am one of those lucky girls who receives occasional gifts-at-random from her hubby, this time he had a reason. You see, today I turned 23. This is the twenty-third birthday I've…

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Today was a tired day. It also turned out to be a Walmart day. I breezed through the sliding doors at Walmart and was greeted by an elderly, toothless gentleman in a blue vest, four separate times . Inexplicable. But the trips were necessary. This was the first chance I've had…

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Home from Disneyland

Oh, my. Time does fly. It feels like just yesterday we were frantically cleaning our house and packing our stuff for the long drive to Anaheim. But really, we left on Thursday morning... er... Thursday around lunch time. And, after enjoying the long weekend in our favorite place on earth,…

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Number 16

Yesterday I received the following email: Dear 100F-1 applicants, Thank you so much for submitting your applications for the spring quarter 100F-1 class. I enjoyed reading all of your stories, and wish that I could offer all of you a place in my class. Unfortunately, there were 53 applicants for…

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V is for "Very Good"

Last night, Jon and I met our friends for dinner and a movie, specifically Mexican food, martinis and V for Vendetta, starring Natalie Portman. We really enjoyed it. The premise: Evey, a young woman suffering under the rigid controls of futuristic totalitarian society (in Great Britain), is rescued by a…

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