Sometimes writing feels like physical therapy. There are days when I wake up and forget that I've ever written anything. Words fall out of my mouth in some sloppy order not of my own choosing. Definitions are lost in the dark recesses of my brain. All of the tricks of…
Marriage With Weeds
Tomorrow morning, Jonathan and I leave for the quickest of trips to Disneyland. We're celebrating our anniversary. Three years ago (August 14, 2004) we wound up at the alter of our church and vowed to love and support and cherish one another forever. I cannot believe it has been three…
The breeze was what moved me here, To a wooded hillside, a forest patch, a place soft and mild. But then, the same wind began to wind all around and through The creaking cedars, Pushing and posturing above My small comprehension of Nature And God, A big idea for a…
Remember when stories were easy? Characters could be two-dimensional as long as each had a quirky, unique trait, like a label or a Hi, My Name Is... sign. You know, an obnoxious cough, steely eyes, a hunch, an odd twitch. It didn't matter, so long as it was pointed out…
Seventy Days of Sweat!
It's funny the way things work. (Not a profound thought, to be sure. But it's late... gimme a break.) Anyway, I've been trying to motivate myself to write, and it's been working some of the time. I treat myself to Oreos if I hit 200 words and then go for…
The Thing About the Fair
Every year I look foward to attending the Alameda County Fair. It's one of the highlights of the summer, in my opinion. Last year I was introduced to the thrill that is horse racing! It was one of the things that nudged me into taking my riding lessons. And then…
Leaving the Desert
The Girl Behind the Red Door is currently under construction. Following the unfortunate and untimely loss of our server a few weeks ago, I found that the creative wind had been sucked from my sails. I suppose the fact that this event coincided with a very stressful time at work…
Jonathan's new climbing helmet is lime green. He fits the strap under his chin and clicks the buckle into place. He smiles. This is his most recent toy, puchased today at REI in Berkeley. At the store, I found it hard to be enthused by the process of hunting for…