If my blog is a testament to anything, it's to the fact of my own verbosity. (And "verbosity" is a testament to the fact that, when I run out of words, I'm not shy about inventing my own.) But a while back, I heard a fun, fascinating little story on…
Answering the Call for The Symbiotic Life
Hi Tom & Dave, Thank you for the thorough comments on TGBTRD. I appreciate your time, your words, and your insight. TB: I wonder if the generalizations that you are making here are due to the fact that [CGCC's] main failing as a church has been how we are communicating…
Calling for The Symbiotic Life
People often ask me, "Where do you go to church?" To which I reply, "Cedar Grove Community Church. It's the one on College Avenue with all the big trees." In Livermore and Pleasanton, that response is met with nodding and smiling. People know my church. It's lovely. It's been there…
An Anniversary
Exactly four years ago, Jonathan and I were wrapping up our eighth month of marriage. We were newlyweds. Our kitchen appliances still had that just-unwrapped, straight-from-the-registry shine. Without enough furniture to fill our three-bedroom rental house, we could do occasional cartwheels in the hallways, sommersaults in the living room. Once,…
Grow Old Along With Me - Happy Birthday, Jonathan Peter Camp!
My Jonathan turns 30 today. I have thought of a thousand gooey, sticky, lovey-dovey things I could write here, but he's 30 now. He's entered a new era of his life. While I can (and will) continue to be his silly, sugar-sweet "wifey" at home, in public and in print…
Pieces of My Day
10:45 am I am at work, seated in my gray chair at my gray desk, and pulling apart a 152-page insurance policy. It's dry work, as much archeology as insurance. Terms like "appurtenant buildings" and "business income and extra expense" are trapped within an ocean of doublespeak and redundancy,…
Eggxiety: It's no yolk!
I don't eat eggs. If I can see them, smell them, or taste them in a dish, it's not a dish for me. This aversion began at 6th grade science camp. My cabin was on breakfast duty... twelve twelve-year-old girls rubbing the sleep out of their eyes and stumbling into…
She Loves the Pubs in Dublin!
Jonathan and I are in Ireland! To see our pictures, click here . Above the clouds, a blush rose in the cheeks of the Irish sky. It was early. A tailwind had pushed us almost half an hour ahead of schedule. After eleven hours on two separate planes (and one three-hour…