
As of midnight on New Year's Eve, I only had one spoken-aloud resolution. "I want to take the time to sit and eat breakfast each morning before checking my email." It was a noble, if somewhat unambitious, goal. I've noticed that my heart races and I can't calm my mind…

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The Fiction Spectrum

The black digits blinked against the fluorescent orange background of our alarm clock. 1:30 a.m. All the bedroom lights were still on. Jonathan and I were sitting up and staring at each other across the rumpled down comforters. Our expressions were heavy, numb, the calm after a storm.…

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Running. A goal.

Today I went out to watch other people run the Oslo Marathon . It's a big event. In 2010 it attracted 16,000 runners, more than half of them women. People came from all over the world. It's a beautiful course, winding along the edge of the Oslofjord and then up…

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Somewhere there is a plane buzzing across an azure sky, a big one. It shuttles people across oceans, countries, continents. Most of those people are merely traveling, and having been one of them fairly frequently over the past six years, I envy them both the journey and the return home.…

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